There's only ONE GOD, and it cost 10,000 BNB!
One click and you'll buy 0.000001 GOD at 0.01 BNB!
Why you see this GOD token on Binance Smart Chain Mainnet?
This token is purely experimental. I've done enough testing on testnet and now trying out on mainnet. It only took me less than $1 to generate the smart contract. There's no purpose for GOD at the moment. If you happen to bought the coin by accident or in whatever circumstances, then you'll be blessed by GOD and your funds definately goes into my personal BSC account according to the smart contract. All the details can be found in the github repo. If you trust me as a follower of Christ... Yes, your fund will be ended up donated to pay my PHD tuition, an all inclusive Church that support LGBTQ+, and various small local unknown people who need some help. No tax exemption receipt will be issued. You may track me down by seaching "Asvoria Kuan" on Google. As conclusion, this is a shitcoin! The chances that GOD turn into another SHIB or DOGE is pretty slim! Think before you buy! I simply want to do some experiment on mainnet! Seriously!
In future: I'm working on integrating NFT tokens into this GOD thing...